Marine Harvest "90 Seconds to Amazing"

Transformative storytelling with relatable talent.

We consider our access to top onscreen talent in both Los Angeles and the Bay Area as one of our core competencies. We know actors and we know how to cast the right talent for each role. We also know how to work with actors to pull out incredible performances. In this multi-video campaign for seafood giant Marine Harvest and its branding agency DINE Marketing, we cast two amazing actors and they knocked it out of the park. To reach, engage, inspire, and then convert viewers to customers, you want talent with whom people relate. You also need storytelling that makes the customer the hero and your product or service the "magic" sword with which he or she slays the dragon of their problems. In the first video of campaign, our protagonist proves himself to his love interest by showing that the client's claim—"90 Seconds to Amazing" salmon—is true.

Second summaryRhett Dunlap